Jetstick 1.2.9 Installation Customization Select the options that you want, then click on the OK button. Note: Click on the STANDARD button to revert the installation process to its default options. Documentation Uncheck this box if you are performing a reinstallation and you do not wish to reinstall our on-line notes. Flight Sim 4 Patches If you have Microsoft Flight Simulator 4.0 or 4.0a you will need to click on the “Flight Sim 4 Patches” check box in order to install the necessary software to allow use of the Jetstick with this game. You will find the software and it’s instructions in the “Microsoft FlightSim 4 Patches” folder in the “Jetstick 1.2.9” folder that will be installed onto your hard drive. This patch is not supported by Microsoft or CH Products. Please consult the electronic manual for more information on this patch. Powerbook ADB Patch If you have a PowerBook model 160, 165, 165c, 180, or 180c you will need to click on the “Powerbook ADB Patch” check box in order to install an extension that will fix a bug in the Apple software that controls your ADB port (the port that the Jetstick plugs into).